Arts & Community and Events Portfolio & Herne Bay Issues (originally published February 2021)
Arts & Community and Events Portfolio
There is a sense of deja vu as the Auckland Fringe launched and went on hold almost simultaneously because of the possibilities of COVID community spread. A huge amount of work goes into these festivals, and others including the International Arts Festival and the Lantern Festival are watching news broadcasts with concern. However it has been a very fun summer with regard to Wynyard entertainment, and a number of events including the Auckland Folk Festival. We hope that it will be safe to go ahead with the other upcoming events.
Herne Bay Issues
There are a number of ongoing local issues:
1. Street trees. Because of covid19, there has been insufficient planting of street trees in Herne Bay where trees have failed. They would like fast growing trees planted next year. In the February 2021 meeting a street tree planting plan was requested from AT.
2. Helicopters. The residents association have asked us to advocate that private helicopter pads be prohibited in residential areas. [We were assured by staff that it would be very unlikely for any new resource consent to be granted. It is unclear whether variations to existing resource consents that might increase flights are as unlikely. If this does seem to be a loophole then taking this advocacy position will be discussed further.] The application for a variation of consent by an existing rightsholder has been put on hold. Rod Briscoe did indicate that he was still keen and some obstacles to resource consent had gone however nothing has been brought to our attention as a resource consent.
3. Stormwater concerns. The residents make the case that budgets for stormwater maintenance are less now than when the city was amalgamated which is problematic. I have emailed staff for details on budgets and their adequacy and they cannot tell me if budgets have increased or decreased. It is unclear why not. Ensuring more investment in water quality has become one of our top three advocacy points in the Long Term Plan. Water Care indicates that they will raise rates but may have to slow maintenance. We will continue to advocate for sufficient funding for water maintenance and clean water in the Western and Eastern Bays.
4. Plan Change 26. The desire to densify Auckland centre may mean that some older properties may be compromised as residents will not be able to do maintenance on them. They have asked us to advocate so that where an old property is by the boundary, the neighbour must continue to allow them access, to paint the side wall for example. I am keeping an eye on resource consents to ensure people are aware.
These points all seem reasonable and the board will consider them as advocacy positions. The WLB already advocates for increasing the tree canopy, blanket protection of urban trees and we have asked for more details on how to schedule more trees at once to reduce costs and better protect trees. The Waitemata Local Board also led a notice of motion to develop a water resilient water strategy and this seems to be happening.
While it will be costly to invest in water, there is nothing more important and yet there has been chronic underfunding for about a century. This work needs to be done.