Resource Consents (of interest) & Following Up (originally published February 2021)

Resource Consents (of interest)

New Applications

Auckland Unlimited Limited - 299 Queen Street AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


The Summer in the Square Festival, Aotea Square to be held annually for the next 5 years, over a total period of 15 weeks (including pack in and pack out). There were concerns about the increase of alcohol sales in the square. This led to a meeting with RFA and CCRG representative Noelene Buckland. The bar has a consent which will proceed. However, we agreed that a more detailed Aotea precinct plan that links between the new CRL station, the arts quarter and up to Myers Park would be extremely helpful to ensure that the public realm is improved and that those improvements have the most impact and are not lost by further development. The Myers Park underpass improvement consent is also going through at the moment and will improve accessibility, safety and beauty of the underpass and adjoining staircase. This view has been relayed to staff at a workshop around the future of the Beresford Square building.

It was also agreed that RFA would do some research into the demographics of users of Aotea Square so as to attract as many people as possible and deliver their needs.

104 Fanshawe Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010


Establish a digital billboard on the western façade of the Auckland Timber Company Building. I relayed my concerns about this one as it may well detract from the streetscape and heritage buildings. I also raised the issue of light pollution. There are residential buildings opposite and the brightness of LED billboards are an ongoing problem for residents.

100-106 Newton Road Newton Auckland 1010


Long term Passive discharge of Contaminants to Groundwater. I asked about the impacts and was told that an existing service station is there and that this is a replacement of a consent.

314 Khyber Pass Road Newmarket Auckland 1023
Proposed upgrade of an operating telecommunications facility (AKL-007-257), involving three replacement antennas and three additional antennas and ancillary equipment in the road reserve. I asked planners to ensure there was enough room for other road users.

109-111 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010


Refurbishment and seismic strengthening of two existing scheduled heritage shelters. These are the old tea houses. It is good to see them restored so as to remain useful.

1-19 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010


Occupation of CMCA by Queens Wharf Village for a further 5 years. I have asked for more information and waiting to hear.

ROAD Customs Street East Auckland Central Auckland 1010


The upgrade of an existing telecommunications facility within the road reserve. The proposal is for a very minor change to the existing telecommunications facility outside of 15 Customs Street East. There are no additional earthworks required or effects on the adjacent Heritage listed Queen’s Arcade building – just making the antenna at the top slightly wider and adding some equipment to the existing pole.

10 Tapora Street AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


Proposed upgrade of an operating telecommunications facility (AKL-007-253), involving two replacement antennas and four additional antennas and ancillary equipment attached to an existing replacement streetlight pole in the road reserve. Our view is that while upgrades may be necessary we would recommend doing so in a way as to reduce the bulk in the road corridor.

10 Kingdon Street Newmarket Auckland 1023


The removal of greater than 200m3 of contaminated soil to landfill for the construction of building foundations. I asked what best practice is here and how damage to the environment might be mitigated. The answer was: “the proposal is a controlled activity, Council is required to grant consent under s104A of the RMA subject to conditions.

But in relation to your question, the applicant will be required to follow strict conditions around earthwork procedures during the disturbance (i.e. earthworks removal) works to ensure the contaminated soils do no enter into the waterways and stormwater system. In addition, dust management is also a condition of consent so as to ensure the contaminated soils are not spread via dust particulars in the air, in particular during the dry summer period.

Once the soil disturbance is completed, the applicant is required to truck the contaminated soils off site and dispose of the soil to land fill facilitates approved to take contaminated soils only, these approved land fills have been created to ensure leaching of contaminants into groundwater and the surrounding environment is minimised. We (myself and Council’s contamination specialist) were comfortable with the overall soil disturbance procedures and the methodology proposed and were of the opinion that effects on the environment will be acceptable provided the condition of consents were fully adhered to.

46-56 Albert Street AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010



Consent is sought for the construction and use of the new office building offices, including ground level retail and food and beverage uses, with associated basement parking, storage, and plant.More information was requested and it is as follows:

The resource consent application at 46-56 Albert Street is to enable for the construction and use of a new 12-level office development plus 4-levels of basement, with associated double-height lobby, public through site link from Albert Street to Mills Lane and ground level retail. The basement contains carparking, cycle parking, end of trip facilities, and plant, waste, and storage areas. The building does not infringe height, but does infringe the site’s maximum total floor area ratio and frontage height, tower dimension setbacks and verandah standards. Consent is therefore required as a non-complying activity overall, with land use consent, groundwater permit and contamination discharge permits sought by the applicant.

The proposal is the same as the development approved under BUN60311618 (recently varied under LUC60311617-A), particularly in relation to earthworks, contamination, traffic, groundwater and construction, with the same/ similar mitigation/ conditions as per the approved proposed. However, the scale of the building’s design/ bulk changes are outside the scope of the approved variation, and the applicant has therefore applied for the works as a new consent.

The WLB response was: The WLB note that the changes to the proposal may have both a positive and negative effect to the public realm. The removal of the roof terrace reduces amenity to tenants and the pleasure of a more interesting view of an activated space for those in other buildings but on the other hand its removal may reduce the risk of noise affecting neighbours. With regard the loss of the high atrium, this feature would have been dramatic and pleasing for users of the building and the public using the space. The attraction of the space would have invited more members of the public to use the building as an access route. These public bonus spaces significantly add to the amenity and pleasure of living in the city and many mixed use buildings are obliged to provide them. This is of multiple benefits to those vested in the building too, those working on site, the retail on the ground floor getting sufficient foot traffic, safety, and the general buzz of the city which is important for generating excitement for people to live, work and visit the city that holds up property prices etc. that is in all our interests. The WLB recommend then that the design for the public realm is sufficiently enticing to make up for this loss, at the entrances but for the whole journey through the space. We would recommend that the public facing edge is activated through retail, hospitality, art works and/ or amenities and that the wayfinding is clearly visible at all parts of the route to encourage usage.

66 Broadway Newmarket, Auckland 1021



Construction of a mixed-use development comprising 11 buildings underlain by a basement level of car parking, subdivision and ancillary works described in the application material.

The proposal involves approximately 1,420m2 of commercial GFA, 2,710m2 retail and food and beverage, and 268 dwellings. I have asked for more information.

ROAD Richmond Road Grey Lynn Auckland 1021



Auckland Transport (AT) is seeking resource consent for works within the protected root zone of a street tree associated with the Waitamata Safe Routes Project Remedial Drainage Works. This application relates to works which will upgrade the footpath drainage to address stormwater issues at four sites in and around the West Lynn Village shops on Richmond Road in Auckland. This is really important work to do but the locals care deeply about their trees so it is important that any damage is mitigated and that we can front foot this.

Plantings would be great.

27 Hakanoa Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021

New parking pad, addition to the rear of the dwelling. Works beneath scheduled London Plane street trees. These trees are absolutely beautiful and should not be put at risk by any works.

28 Herne Bay Road Herne Bay Auckland 1011


Proposed additions and alterations to an existing villa. Including new upper level within extruded roof form containing master suite with bedroom, ensuite, wardrobe and study, new basement level including storage and wine cellar. The existing floor is to be altere d to allow for a new stair case and additional bathroom. A swimming pool with associated decking and landscaping is proposed to the rear yard. Herne Bay Road has a special (and much higher) heritage order on it than the normal overlay protection for much of Herne Bay, Grey Lynn, Ponsonby etc. Similar protection also applies in the Herne Bay "avenues" on the south side of Jervois Road. We want to make sure this extra heritage requirement is being taken into account by the planners.

100 Parnell Road Parnell Auckland 1052


Convert the two existing first part digital display identification advertising signs to provide for third party advertising. There were no extra physical works required and the consent was granted before the WLB were informed about it (due to an error in sending out the correct resource consents). While we appreciate there are no physical works, extending the usage of the digital display sign beyond the tenants use seems to open up more LED advertising opportunities which are generally to the detriment of residents and the character of the high street.

44 Shelly Beach Road Ponsonby Auckland 1011




Construction of six terrace houses, a new vehicle crossing, a common accessway and a subdivision in accordance with the land use resource consent. While the board applauds the goal to create more family housing with some outdoor area that is a bit more vertical we observe that there is a breach with regard impermeable surfaces and wonder if some creativity can be used to perhaps minimise the space used for cars and to increase the green areas and planting opportunities. We recommend considering also rain water collection to be used on the gardens that will also divert water from detention tanks and the stormwater system into more productive use. Other developments like this in the area manage to create more usable green areas that incorporate some shared spaces. Three bed homes close to a school are highly suitable for children and having some safe shared garden area may be of value to prospective buyers with children. A shared outdoor picnic table might also offer opportunities for residents to meet each other. The courtyard housing off Wellington Street are exemplars and are highly desirable. It is board policy also to recommend that where a street tree is removed that it is replaced with more trees than are lost. We recommend planting two suitable trees on the street front that provides shade, in lieu of the one gone. I also request that the floorboards and anything of resource value in the building is salvaged and made available to others? This would be part of a policy to reduce and resource waste.

With regard the two proposals below, we have asked that it be relayed to the planner that we would like to see at the end of the works there is a healthy street tree on the berm outside the dwelling.

90 Clarence Street Ponsonby Auckland 1011


Additions and alterations to the existing dwelling and studio, including associated works with installing a swimming pool to the rear garden and provision for a new crossing to the Clarence Street site frontage that will require works within the drip line of an adjacent olive street tree. The WLB would like assurance there will be a healthy tree at the end of the works.

19 Browning Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021


Construction of new vehicle crossing and associated timber parking pad within subject site, and landscaping earthworks within the front yard of the site. The WLB would like assurance there will be a healthy tree on the berm at the end of the works.

Te Taou Crescent Auckland Central Auckland 1010

To enable the continued use of an existing, non-accessory carpark for up to seven years. Have asked for more information.

136 Fanshawe Street

This is a development in progress. It has been brought to our attention because the developers are doing a street upgrade to improve the look of the laneway but it appears that there will be no ramp. As a designated “road” it does need to be accessible to all. We are following up.

Following Up

The old Gables site was said to have stalled but I notice that there are billboards on the site announcing a new supermarket which is good news.

The Beach Road bus depot application is still currently on hold, pending further information from the applicant in relation to traffic and Industrial Trade Activity (ITA) matters. Both Council’s traffic specialist and Auckland Transport have raised traffic safety concerns in relation to the buses turning right onto Beach Road from the existing access. AT have also provided some preliminary comments in relation to the proposal (attached), which the applicant is yet to respond to. A notification decision has yet to be made. When this will be has not been relayed to me. I have chased up.

CAB building concerns. There have been numerous consent variations made for the CAB and the WLB have consistently pushed for good heritage outcomes and notifications of changes. Without revealing confidential aspects of contracts any obligations to restore heritage need to be made available to those in the planning department who review resource consents. The results with regard the CAB façade have been disappointing to many. Lessons can be learned before other heritage buildings are sold or leased by council where developers are expected to make good. We would recommend that obligations are clear to all at the start.

75 St Mary’s Road

On the matter of the building wrap. No news so far.

Telecommunications box

3 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland (LUC60365432)

The cabinets look bulky so have recommended a slimmer alternative if possible.


Arts & Community and Events Portfolio & Herne Bay Issues (originally published February 2021)


Board Member Report & Portfolio Report: Heritage and Planning (originally published February 2021)