I am a member of the Waitemataa local board standing in 2022 with the City Vision team.
I am an elected member of the Waitemata Local Board. I am a progressive and my goal is that Auckland become an all-age-friendly city that is environmentally and economically sustainable. Click on the blog to find out more about our progress and articles on the issues and decisions being made that affect the local area.
The Future.
Julie Sandilands and I introduce our YouTube series of Local Government TV to share what is going on in Waitemata.
My Purpose In Standing For Election.
The Why.
Climate change, biodiversity loss, social isolation, housing inaffordability and the decline in green spaces and play spaces need to be reversed and new social, recreational and economic opportunities opened up.
The What.
Well designed walkable mixed-use neighbourhoods with diverse amenities and efficient electric transport links bring communities together, give young, old and everyone in between freedom to enjoy city life, and locks in low carbon emissions for the future.
The How.
Local communities and their elected representatives drive plans for cities. The more people who engage in this process, the more knowledge is shared on what works and what doesn't, and the better the decision-making. So please, do get involved and have your say.