Portfolio Report: Heritage and Planning (originally published November 2020)
Portfolio Report: Heritage and Planning
I keep track of resource consent applications for buildings, structures, and tree pruning and removal as they are received by Council, requesting further information, plans and Assessments of Environmental Effects for applications of interest. Significant applications are referred to the relevant residents’ associations for their input which I then relay to planners as part of the Local Board’s input. I particularly keep a look out for tree removals, helicopter pad requests, digital billboards facing residential buildings, impact on heritage buildings and place and more than minor breaches of the unitary plan.
The Waitemata Local Board recognises the amenity value of trees and has adopted the Ngahere Urban Forest Strategy. Where it is possible to keep trees we advocate for them. Sometimes trees may be removed for the building of transport and energy infrastructure that locks in lower carbon emissions in the future. Where trees are removed our position is that there should be more trees planted than are lost. Good urban design and spatial planning can make a huge difference to the quality of a neighbourhood. Considering new developments through a climate change lens is also necessary. The council has committed to halving emissions by 2030 which will impact decision-making across all departments.
Resource Consents (of interest)
New Applications
9 Francis Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021
It is proposed to demolish the existing dwelling and accessory building on site, undertake earthworks to prepare the site for the construction and use of 14 new dwellings within a three-storey building. All these units are smaller than allowed under the unitary plan and there are no shared spaces. We have some concerns about this proposal with regard quality of living of future residents and recommend larger unit sizes and instead of water retention tanks, tanks that can store stormwater for non-potable use.
23 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010
Proposed upgrade of an operating telecommunications facility (AKL-007-194), involving a replacement pole with six new antennas and ancillary equipment, and two replacement cabinets in the road reserve. The view of the WLB is that this is fine as long as it is discreet and takes up minimal space.
375 Karangahape Road AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010
Replacement of a 6m x 3m static billboard on the front of Samoa House with a 8m x 4m digital billboard. Samoa House, while not scheduled, is a heritage building and the siting of the board in front of the windows facing the street is not ideal. We have recommended a positioning of the board that meets the requirement of the applicant but does not reduce either the mana of the building or the amenity of the street.
23 Stratford Street Parnell Auckland 1052
Land use consent is sought for demolition, new building work and alterations, and associated landscaping to the existing residential property. I am waiting to hear more.
14 Lemington Road Westmere Auckland 1022
Construction of three three-storey residential dwellings. Waiting to hear more.
18 William Denny Avenue Westmere Auckland 1022
Infringement of the Maximum Impervious area rule. Infringement of the Building Coverage area rule. Infringement of the Landscaped area rule. I am waiting to get more details.
12 St Stephens Avenue Parnell Auckland 1052
Root alterations to a scheduled Norfolk Island Pine tree. I am waiting to get more details.
75 St Mary’s Bay Road
The scaffolding around the renovations here seem higher than necessary to be within planning rules. I am following up to find out whether the resource consent covers it.
70 Rose Road Grey Lynn Auckland 1021
Re-instatement and replacement of existing timber wall and roof framing, timber joinery and weather boards due to extensive rot and structural non-compliance to existing timber framed bungalow. A Resource Consent has been granted for renovations to the bungalow but this did not included the demolition and replacement work that is proposed by this application. The work already has Building Consent approval subject to a section 37 Certificate requiring amended Resource Consent. I am waiting to hear more.
59 St Stephens Avenue Parnell Auckland 1052
Alterations and additions to a dwelling in the Special Character Area. New garage and pool house. Works beneath the dripline of street trees. Waiting to hear more.
11 Judges Bay Road
The resource consent is for 5 apartments in a 3 storey building. The proposal includes a number of infringements to the zone standards for the built form, a new vehicle crossing including removal of 3 street trees, the retention and works within the root zone of a notable tree and works to daylight and improve a stream. However the location and the ground contours seem to mitigate the breaches as do the landscaping plans. While the design is modern it seems to be of high quality and should improve “eyes on the street” and overlooking the park. We would recommend replanting of specimen trees in the road reserve or onsite to replace the puriri, magnolia and pohutakawa. I will discuss with the resource consent planner but on the face of it this proposal seems acceptable otherwise.
Following Up
41 Cheshire Street Parnell Auckland (Summerset Retirement Village)
LUC60363416 – 1052
This much anticipated development is now going through the resource consent process. They have asked for the application to be publicly notified and the local board is very glad that locals views will be taken into our account. Our view then reflects our general principles and priorities. We expect notification to be in mid-November.
75 St Mary’s Bay Road
The scaffolding around the renovations here seem higher than necessary to be within planning rules. I am following up to find out whether the resource consent covers it.
10 Commerce St (The Pacifica)
The proposal is for the option and ability to utilise any of the existing apartments as visitor accommodation should any apartment owner want. The WLB recommended that they allow the subleasing of properties for long term residents as well as short ones.
1 Kelmarna Avenue Herne Bay Auckland 1011
The construction of a local supermarket on the corner of Kelmarna and Jervois seems in principle a good plan. There will be basement parking, but the siting is not far from the school and bus routes too. Newspaper reports suggest a supermarket is not the plan at all. Ben Cook apparently has bought the site but the Mansons still own it due to a long settlement. The resource consent presumably then comes from the existing owner.
It is reported that Cook desires “retail and residential”. The environment court decided in 2007 that a similar proposal was inappropriate because of the capacity of infrastructure and the risk of more sewage outflows into the harbour. However, a resource consent was granted in 2017 for apartments though this consent has since lapsed. The supermarket application is currently hold as more information is required from the applicant. It would be extremely disappointing if this application progresses and then undergoes significant variations down the track as a means of gaming the system. It would be much preferred if the owners pause and put their application forward when they have decided on what they want.
Pic already out of date?
The Beach Road bus depot application is still currently on hold, pending further information from the applicant in relation to traffic and Industrial Trade Activity (ITA) matters. Both Council’s traffic specialist and Auckland Transport have raised traffic safety concerns in relation to the buses turning right onto Beach Road from the existing access. AT have also provided some preliminary comments in relation to the proposal (attached), which the applicant is yet to respond to. A notification decision has yet to be made. When this will be has not been relayed to me. I have chased up.
1 Marine Parade Herne Bay Auckland 1011
Construction of a new dwelling within the Special Character Overlay Residential B1 and the Single House Zone within infringements to standards. I have asked for more details but nothing yet.
9B London Street Ponsonby Auckland 1011
It is proposed that six pohutukawa trees along the cliff will be reduced in height, in some cases to previous reduction points, and selected branches overhanging State Highway 1 motorway and Fanshawe Street on-ramp are to be reduced back to remove the weight in the canopy reducing the risk of failure.
100-106 Newton Road Newton
The LUC is a variation to an existing consent for a petrol station, the proposal is to reduce the scope of the consent to create a self service rather than a full service, including shop. The DIS consent replaces a previous DIS consent which has since expired.