Portfolio Report: Heritage and Planning & Resource Consents (of interest), (originally published April 2021)

Portfolio Report: Heritage and Planning

On the 16 th March Margi Watson, Chair of the Albert/ Eden board and I both spoke at a hearing around Plan Change 53 in which it was proposed to change the maximum duration of public events before a resource consent would be required from six hours to eight hours. Admittedly one always needs to get landowner approval to do an event but that is a less onerous process than a resource consent. We recommended keeping the duration at six hours. We love events in Waitemata but a balance has to be struck between the need for quiet enjoyment of homes and sensational events. We think the balance at the moment is about right, particularly as Eden Park will be able to have their 6 concert events a year now. City centre residents must also grapple with construction, nightclubs, traffic and everything else. Big events also leave more mess and result in disorderly behaviour. Recently it was recommended to us to have a blanket alcohol ban in public parks when major events are on. The results of the hearing will be made known to us in due course.

The series of workshops on the National Policy Statement on Urban Development continue. (see more in my March report.) I am missing part of the April business meeting to attend one in which we will discuss whether higher densities should be demanded in areas with no public transport or areas with decent public transport but where land prices are currently low, suggesting low demand. I will be asking whether there is value in enabling higher density development in all areas with decent public transport and discouraging greenfield urban development in areas without public transport. An exception would be where public transport is provided with the development. In this case density should be enabled and encouraged. If new areas are designed to be mid-rise, mid-density it will mean lower rates and emissions and more amenities accessible for everyone including the young and all those without access to cars.

I keep track of resource consent applications for buildings, structures, and tree pruning and removal as they are received by Council, requesting further information, plans and Assessments of Environmental Effects for applications of interest. Significant applications are referred to the relevant residents’ associations for their input which I then relay to planners as part of the Local Board’s input. I particularly keep a look out for tree removals, helicopter pad requests, digital billboards facing residential buildings, impact on heritage buildings and place and more than minor breaches of the unitary plan.

The Waitemata Local Board recognises the amenity value of trees and has adopted the Ngahere Urban Forest Strategy. Where it is possible to keep trees we advocate for them. Sometimes trees may be removed for the building of transport and energy infrastructure that locks in lower carbon emissions in the future. Where trees are removed our position is that there should be more trees planted than are lost. Good urban design and spatial planning can make a huge difference to the quality of a neighbourhood. Considering new developments through a climate change lens is also necessary. The council has committed to halving emissions by 2030 which should impact decision-making across all departments.

The proposed Long Term Plan is a big step forward in reducing emissions but in and of itself will be insufficient to ensure that Auckland reaches its reduction goals. It is particularly disappointing that the Auckland Transport Alignment Plan is likely to increase rather than reduce net emissions. ATAP is co-authored by central government and council. I will be asking today whether a plan was scoped that did meet our city’s climate change emissions goals, and if so, whether it would be possible to share it. If one was not scoped, why was that not done?

Resource Consents (of interest)

New Applications (where more information has been requested)

65-67 Upper Queen Street Newton Auckland    1010


New apartment building and cafe, with ancillary parking, access and signs.

46-58 Customs Street East Auckland Central Auckland    1010


The applicant proposes to provide a new digital LED window display for the Ryder Salon to revitalise the ground level of the Charter  House Building and also activate the building frontage along Britomart Place. Four 55-inch LED screens are proposed to be installed  behind each of the four existing windows for the Ryder Salon along Britomart Place

154-174 Beach Road Auckland Central Auckland    1010



The Beach Road bus depot application has been hold for a number of months but a new resource consent request is now with us: Siteworks of a contaminated site including associated discharge. The site is owned by NZTA which they intend to be used for future road widening. The road widening is not likely to happen for another 15-20 years so they wish to use the space as a carpark/ bus depot in the interim. We asked for notification of this. The increase in bus movements may have a correlating rise in air pollution in a high density residential area. The increase in space for asphalt and vehicles may also contribute to the heat island effect. Both Council’s traffic specialist and Auckland Transport have raised traffic safety concerns in relation to the buses turning right onto Beach Road from the existing access. AT have also provided some preliminary comments in relation to the proposal, which the applicant is yet to respond to. A notification decision has yet to be made. When this will be has not been relayed to me. I have chased up again following this new application.

229A Ponsonby Road Freemans Bay Auckland    1011



Modification of the 1989 church hall at the rear of the site for use as a 10 person boarding house, and two level apartment with basement garaging. Restoration of the church for community use.  The church, but not the hall, is a scheduled heritage building.

60 Summer Street Ponsonby Auckland    1011


Demolition of more than 30% of the existing dwelling, additions and alterations in the special character area overlay, replacement front boundary fence, retrospective consent for existing garden shed, minor site works

2A Hamer Street Auckland Central Auckland    1010


This is a welcome accessibility upgrade of Silo 6, permanent establishment of Silo Park Extension (which was constructed under a separate consent),  and enabling more activations with supporting structures, buildings and signage where needed within Silo Park. This basically means that there will be some new enhancements of Silo Park including trees, plantings, seating and play elements. Also that events in Silo Park can advertise themselves on the gantry temporarily in a way that balances effectiveness with being unnecessarily intrusive.

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8 Domain Drive Parnell Auckland 1052


The proposal seeks to adjust the boundary between 8 Domain Drive and 3 Maunsell Road. The boundary adjustment will incorporate the d riveway for 8 Domain Drive into 3 Maunsell Road to reflect the current land use. The rear boundary of 3 Maunsell Road will be shifted 1.8m to the north-east to align with the existing fencing (see Figure 5) and provide space for maintenance of the garage at the rear of the site. It would be interesting to know what precedent this sets.

667 Great North Road Grey Lynn Auckland 1021



It is proposed to construct 18 two and three bedroom terraced dwellings and the amalgamation of three sites on the subject site which currently consists of four buildings, being used for a mix of car yard and residential activity. Our response: There is a need for quality and affordable housing in Waitemata. More density is required and terraced housing is one of the typologies we need. One can only infer that there was insufficient demand for the apartments that were originally consented? What is proposed offers fewer units and does not seem to tackle the issues that the buildings are on a flood plain and that nearly 70% of the development will be impermeable. The landscaping seems meagre. As three bedroom townhouses they may be considered good family homes but there is no outdoor area for children to play and the outlook, even where it does meet standards, is to a parking lot, or other buildings or a busy street. The original consent had parking in the basement. The board would recommend following that approach to allow space at ground level for shared garden space or a play area, outdoor tables. This permeable area may also be helpful to mitigate the issues with water. As the other properties down the hill are more at risk of flooding the board would recommend limited notification with property owners to the West up till the Bullock Track to ensure that those developments will not be adversely affected by this one and any mitigations are made. They are also being converted from car yards to homes and flooding may have an impact on them.

136-142 Fanshawe Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010


Proposed comprehensive development signage on the facade of a commercial office development currently under construction at 136-142 Fanshawe Street. The backlit silhouette signs seem elegant but the board would want to be assured that they cause no problems to nearby residents.

38 Wallace Street Herne Bay Auckland 1011


To undertake alterations and additions to an existing dwelling on a cross lease site and infringe the outlook space rule

203-271 Victoria Street West AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


Improvements and additions to public carpark and path assets within Victoria Park. This comes with the approval of the board unless the process raises areas of concern.

18 Cathedral Place PARNELL 1052


Construction of five detached dwellings on future lots being created as part of a subdivision approved under R/JSL/2012/4246. This is a large space and the plans seem appropriate though it does seem a missed opportunity to build a higher density, pedestrian focused family development with shared outdoor spaces.

25-33 The Strand Parnell Auckland    1010


This land-use application by LQ Parnell Trust Company to a proposal to construct a new Mixed-Use building at 25-33 The Strand in Parnell. Specifically, the proposal involves the demolition of the existing building and the construction of a mixed-use complex that would mainly comprise visitor accommodation (71 rooms), residential activities (55 Apartments)  with retail. There is an existing consent granted as a consent order from the Environment Court which this mimics, with ~3m or so additional height.  It is currently with our specialists for review.

117-125 St Georges Bay Road Parnell Auckland    1052


To undertake external and internal alterations to a scheduled heritage building and establish an additional retail tenancy with a floor area exceeding 200m2. The board supports adapting heritage buildings for reuse and have put in our support for the heritage team at council to advise.

57 Market Place Auckland Central Auckland    1010


The activation of Market Square for the next 5 years with temporary structures, along with retrospective consent for one specific activation. This is essentially a screen, a shipping container and a lounge area. I am not sure this will add to the diversity of activations but limit the options. I am also uncertain whether another outdoor LED screen in the central city is required or desired. I have asked for full public notification.

1 Queen St


It is proposed to increase the GFA of the consented building by 152m2. Changes to the activities within the building are proposed including a reduction to the number of hotel rooms from 244 to 139 and creating new office space. External changes are proposed to reflect the new uses within the building. The existing building does not comply with Standard H8.6.3 Admission of sunlight to public places and the additional rooftop structures proposed will increase this infringement. At worst, the additional rooftop plant structures will result in additional shading to Lower Queen Street in September (2pm), arriving up to 3 minutes before that of the previously consented building The Waitemata Local Board in principle supports changes that will improve the usage of the site where it does not affect public space. Increasing infringements to public space – including the increase of shade - are not ideal but could be offset by initiatives that improve the public realm. This could be through the provision of plantings, accessways, public toilets or art. We would recommend considering what initiatives might be appropriate in this case.

731 Great North Road Grey Lynn Auckland    1021

The provision of two new digital billboards adjacent to the intersection of Stadium and Great North roads. We would like the planner to consider how appropriate it is to have a large LED billboard on a green space. Our green and natural spaces are important for people’s wellbeing and arguably looking at them is an important part of their value. The amenity value from the outside may be reduced by converting an old-fashioned billboard to an LED screen. It is to be noted that billboards in parks are generally considered inappropriate and at election times there are strict rules on how long political billboards can be up for. We would be generally opposed to advertising in our parks and green spaces.

Removal of a mature Norfolk Island Pine tree.


1/8 Hamilton Road Herne Bay Auckland    1011

This tree is losing branches and seems to be in decline. I have asked whether it is normal and appropriate for neighbouring residents to have a say over the loss of a scheduled tree. The risk is assessed as tolerable and it is noted that a decision should come from the land owners. The risk really is born by the residents in this case as a group. I have asked if it is possible to find out their thoughts.

203-271 Victoria Street West AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


Work in the root zones of 3 notable, publicly owned trees in Victoria Park. It is considered by arborists that the work is unlikely to damage the trees if suitable measures to avoid adverse effects are taken.

40 Dryden Street Grey Lynn Auckland    1021


Alterations and additions to a dwelling, including new vehicle crossing, basement garage, and street tree removal and replacement. It is always a concern to lose street trees and it is good to see that they will be replaced.

72 Wellesley Street West Auckland Central Auckland    1010


Remove two street trees. With the support of council arborists there has since been a change of plan and only one street tree will be removed. It is intended to plant another tree to replace it nearby.

30-34 Customs Street East Auckland Central Auckland    1010


To install a glazed canopy over a portion of the laneway between the Masonic and Buckland Buildings and the new Britomart Hotel Buildings & a hinged door in a recessed position on the Galway Street side of the lane. This seems a sensible plan to increase the activation of the space.

Following Up

2 Kotare Avenue Westmere Auckland    1022


Proposed residential development of 5 units. Have asked for more information.

66 Lincoln Street Ponsonby Auckland    1021


Land use consent is sought for demolition, additions and alterations, and associated landscaping to the existing residential property. Have asked for more information and am waiting to hear.

27 Hakanoa Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021


New parking pad, addition to the rear of the dwelling. The parking pad will be located below

scheduled London Plane trees but support has been received by both heritage noble trees

team and Council arborist. An amended design to the front fencing is expected to be sent

through which is understood to address the concerns of the Council heritage specialist who

is also in support of the application (on condition of the change we are waiting on).

66 Broadway Newmarket Auckland 1023




Construction of a mixed-use development comprising 11 buildings underlain by a basement level of car parking, subdivision and ancill ary works described in the application material. The proposal involves approximately 1,420m2 of commercial GFA, 2,710m2 retail and food and beverage, and 268 dwellings. We support mixed use high density developments done well. This includes laneways, cycle parking and the smallest apartments are over 47m2 however there are ground stability issues and it is on a flood plain. We have asked for limited notification.

1-19 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010


Occupation of CMCA by Queens Wharf Village for a further 5 years. I have asked exactly what and where this is, and am waiting to hear.


Arts & Community and Events Portfolio, & Herne Bay Issues (originally published April 2021)


Alexandra Bonham Board Member Report (originally published April 2021)