Repairs and Restoration: Deputy Chair Report July 2020
This report covers my Waitematā Local Board Activities from 1-30 June 2022.
Parks and Beaches
Heritage and Planning
Resource Consents
New Consents
Follow up on Consents
Meetings/Events I attended
Conferences/Member Development
How to contact me
May had a lot of rain and wind so the parks team has been dealing with fallen branches, trees and leaves. Leaves blocking the drains have been reported and maintenance plans for trees down Hakanoa Street have been requested. Wastewater overflows left some detritus in Western Springs that has been dealt with.
There has also been a good deal of vandalism with regard to graffiti, damage to flower beds and removal of tactile way-finding pavements. This is disheartening for staff and the community alike.
Staff do their best to restore and replace damaged public assets and report that Niwaki trees have been installed in the Fukuoka Garden. The originals were stolen in 2018. Greater security measures are being planned.
New trees have been planted in Victoria Street, Shelly Beach Road, Sarsfield Street and Ardmore Road and getting aftercare. Trees assist in mitigating erosion, moderating climate, reducing noise and air pollution. Other trees planted as part of the Urban Ngahere strategy include:
Point Erin Park pathways have been renewed!
A number of water features have been restored and are back in operation. We have been advised that turning them off in dry weather can cause issues with regard getting them started again which needs to be considered, particularly, if water is being circulated rather than lost then it may be better to keep them going including St Patrick’s Square.
Landowner approval has been requested for more cycle parking in Newmarket, and the replacement of a weir with a floodgate in the western springs pond in Western Springs.
The Cox’s Bay to Bayfield greenway and stream daylighting has been completed and was celebrated by Ngati Whatua, the community, staff, contractors and elected members on 30th September.
In the Domain the Winter Garden seismic upgrade is going well and the temperate house is restored and opens back to the public 2nd July.
Heard Park concept plan is complete and work on a series of “quick wins” are underway. This includes replacing the lighting, and installing an electric outlet for event use. Next steps are to reset paving to level through the site. Completion is expected by early July.
Separation work has been postponed in the Inner Western bays and interim measures will be taken to take combined sewage and stormwater in the Central Interceptor to Mangere. This is far from satisfactory. The reason is increased costs.
Work at Wai Orea / Western Spring continues with improved paths:
There is also new signage planned, improved seating provision, and lighting with consideration on site placement.
Heritage and Planning
The Symonds Street Heritage Toilets are reopened to the public 27 May 2022.
Investigation and design continues for the historic Ewelme Cottage renewal project. The first set of detailed drawings have been produced and initial site investigations have been completed by geotechnical consultants, seismic and structural engineers. Next step is to collate the information and develop a scope of works.
Ewelme Cottage renewal project.
Work on the Myers Park Cottage is continuing and will mean another space for the community in the future.
Resource Consents (of interest)
I keep track of resource consent applications for buildings, structures, and tree pruning and removal as they are received by Council, requesting further information, plans and Assessments of Environmental Effects for applications of interest.
New Consents
15/10 Shelly Beach Road Ponsonby Auckland 1011
S127 application to reconfigure rooftop addition approved by LUC60354948
4 Viaduct Harbour Avenue Auckland Central Auckland 1010
Seeking an extension to the hours of operation for an existing outdoor restaurant and bar area on Level 6 of the QT Hotel operation at 4 Viaduct Harbour Avenue in the Viaduct Harbour Precinct of the Auckland City Centre. The extension of hours sought is from the p resent 11pm, by two hours, to 1am on the following morning. This change is sought as a change of conditions to the existing resource consents in terms of section 127 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
3/304-328 Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010
Construct and operate mixed use apartment building
291-297 Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010
To upgrade the existing entranceways on the eastern and western sides of SkyWorld. This looks like a considerable improvement on what is there and will make the heritage building adjacent more visible on Queen St. The entrance in Bledisloe Lane will mean more oversight of the walk through. The connections to Aotea Square seem unchanged.
130-138 St Georges Bay Road Parnell Auckland 1052
The proposal involves the demolition of the existing windows on the second and third floors to be replaced with floor to ceiling windows on the northern and southern elevations. Additionally, it is also proposed to modify the internal layout of the third floor along the western boundary of the building. We have asked for more information and queried: is this a heritage building? If so, very keen to sure that heritage features are retained.
137-147 Quay Street Auckland Central Auckland 1010
Coastal permit to operate a 780-bay parking facility on Princes Wharf at 137-147 Quay Street in Auckland Central, Auckland (“the site”) with approximately 27% of the bays available for short-term non-accessory parking and the remainder 73% of the bays leased to local businesses or apartment owners/occupants. We have asked for more information.
75 Marine Parade Herne Bay Auckland 1011
Land use consent is sought for additions and alterations to the existing dwelling including all associated demolition and site works.
Unallocated. We have asked for more information.
Follow up on Consents
3-5 Gillies Avenue Epsom Auckland 1023
The proposal can be summarised as converting the retail shops into a supermarket that comprises of 1100m2 floor area with 19 surface car parking spaces including two disabled car parking spaces. It is noted that the existing access arrangement and office area on the upper floor remains unchanged.
WLB notes this is right next to a primary school and that we want to encourage more kids to walk and cycle to school. The plans did not consider the primary school or its students and the board has recommended limited notification to the school.
13 Marine Parade Herne Bay Auckland 1011
Development proposal for a new swimming pool and cabana to the rear of the existing dwelling. Prima facie this is not a problem, but it is on the waterfront and applications for non-contentious works have turned out to have included helicopter pads in the past.
15 Cremorne St
To change the number of consented helicopter flights from two flights per week to four flights per week with no more than two flights on any one day. Limited notification is ongoing until 26 May. This means that despite being adjacent to a public beach reserve the public cannot have their say. The local board has protested against this noting that Justine Christine Gordon in the Duke case made the point that the public should be considered when public space is likely to be affected
27 Marine Parade Herne Bay Auckland 1011
Resource consent is sought to undertake additions and alterations to the existing dwelling and garage and also the construction of a number of accessory buildings at 27 Marine Parade, Herne Bay. Accessory buildings on the coast are a trigger for further information – we are waiting to hear back from planners on the details.
38 Rawene Avenue Westmere Auckland 1022
Use of the site for helicopter take off and landing. The board recommended full public notification and advocated for private recreational helicopter movements be prohibited in the AUP. We are waiting to get more information on whether this is notified or not.
67 Argyle Street Herne Bay Auckland 1011
Construct a boat shed on the property. Legal advice to the Herne Bay Residents Association is that reclaimed land belongs to the crown, even if the mean water mark might suggest that it the land falls into the ownership of the waterside property owner. We have made clear to planners that we support the HBRA in this interpretation of the relevant legislation. The Marine and Coastal Area Act (2011) (MCAA) and its predecessor the Foreshore and Seabed Act (2004) both cover reclamations. S30 of the MCAA states that all reclaimed land is the property of the Crown. S31 makes it clear any reclaimed land prior to the passing of the MCAA is also the property of the Crown. These provisions were also included in the 2004 Act. However, the application is still in the system and we are following up on what next steps will be taken.
1 St Stephens Ave Limited
Application for resource consents to construct new six-storey apartment building with two basement levels and all associated site works, discharges and groundwater works. This is right next to the Cathedral. We are waiting to hear whether it will be notified. The board recommended limited notification.
17 Fleet Street Eden Terrace Auckland 1021
The construction of a new vehicle crossing which will connect 17 Fleet Steet to Piwakawaka Street. This crossing will serve the proposed Lot 2 of the proposed 2-lot subdivision. It is very unclear how this will fit in. I have asked for more information.
25-33 The Strand Parnell Auckland 1010
The construction of an additional floor level to a consented building. I have requested more information.
Meetings / events attended
2nd June
Meet with Western Springs Football Club to see the turf improvements
6th June
Walk with Paul Shortland around Western Springs to discuss problems
8th June
Planning Committee
Opening of the Greeks Exhibition at the Auckland Museum
9th June
Online lecture on mapping by Alexander Mourant – A Place to Call Home
Ponsonby Business Association Meeting
Women in Urbanism Meet up
Meeting with Nigel Vagana of Richmond Rovers, Grey Lynn Park
10th June
AT / WLB Transport catch-up
11 June
Central Auckland e-waste Collection Day
Western Springs Planting Day on the Lakeside
12th June
Krishnan’s Dairy at Q Theatre (with thanks to Q theatre)
13th June
CCRG session on noise and complaints processes
14th June
Meeting with Trevor and David of Freeman’s Bay Residents’ Association
15th June
Meeting with Jacinda Ardern MP’s electorate Office
16th June
Meeting with Chloe Swarbrick MP
Meeting with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Karangahape Road Business Association Meeting
17th June
Attend the opening of the new Ockham Build to Let Building, The Nix in Grey Lynn
Meet Chris and Leanne Rattue and Countdown Managers, Grey Lynn
22nd June
Discussed how the board might better support youth wellbeing and maximising youth potential with staff.
Confidential Planning Committee
Richmond Road Board of Trustees Meeting
23 June
City Centre Network
First Thursday K Road
Opening of the Universal Te Tai Ao Exhibition, Cross St
Scenes from a Yellow Peril, ATC Theatre (with thanks to the ATC)
24 June
Matariki ki te Manawa Launch of the Light Projection, hosted by Ngati Whatua
25 June
Waipapa Stream Planting Day
26 June
Attended Murray Edmonds book launch, The Open Book, Ponsonby
Pathway Festival, Grey Lynn
27 June
Meeting with Nick at Parked Up café, Victoria Park
29 June
Project Wave Monthly Steering Group meeting
30 June
Planning Committee Meeting
Cox’s Bay Greenway Pathway Opening
Opening of Gilbert & George Exhibition, Auckland Art Gallery
1 July Visit to the Temperate House at the Winter Gardens that has been restored
Conferences / member development
9th June
I am doing a phD in the Dance Department of the University of Auckland, studying the potential roles of playful arts practices in co-producing the Playful City. I am a member of Women in Urbanism, and a parent trustee on the Richmond Road School board. My husband is director of dog walking company Fetch.
I am on Facebook, please do friend me, for regular updates, to raise issues and ask for more information on what is happening in the local area. I have set up a website in which I discuss some of the issues that are crossing our desks and give more information and links on engagement with council. Anyone living or working in Waitemata is also very welcome to get in touch with me by email: