Alexandra Bonham Deputy Chair July 2021 Report

This report covers my Waitematā Local Board Activities from 1 to 30 July 2021. My roles include: 

Planning and Heritage portfolio (lead)

Culture, Arts and Events portfolio (second)

Environment and Infrastructure (second)

Domain Committee

Climate Change Reference Group


I also attend the meetings of:

The Karangahape Road Business Association,

The Karangahape Road Collective

The Grey Lynn Community Centre,

The Herne Bay Residents Group

The Grey Lynn Residents Group

And I have participated in the Ponsonby, City Centre Innovating Streets workshops and now sit on the Project Wave steering group.


The WLB advocates for climate change action, better water management, better public and active transport choices, mix of housing, quality urban design that includes appropriate heritage protection, the return of tree protections and the protection and restoration of the Hauraki Gulf.


Climate Change and the Environment

Street trees

Not only do we have a list of replacement trees to be planted this season (so within the next couple of months) but the local board is funding a considerable number of new trees for Waitemata as well. The council has adopted a best practice planting and tree management approach so as to ensure that there are no tree failures.

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development continue.

The NPS on UD demands councils to enable six-storey housing in walking distance to city centres and metropolitan centres and rapid regular public transport and to allow buildings as tall as developers like within city centres and metropolitan centres. There has been much debate on what is walking distance and the governing body has landed on a maximum of 1200 metres from a city centre or 800m from a rapid transit node (like a train station or a rapid bus). International research (and it is the view of AT) that 400 metres is the walkable catchment of a bus stop. This is not as the crow flies but the route that is feasible for pedestrians to take. It may be a smaller distance if the route is hilly.   Also under debate is whether taller buildings should be enabled in areas where rapid regular public transport is planned but not yet constructed. Taller buildings can be very handsome. London, Paris, Rome – all have many streets with buildings of six storeys or so. What we do need though is more guidelines on how to transition from a stand alone form and into handsome well-functioning streets. The obvious answer is to focus first around the transport corridors. Work is ongoing on how to achieve the well-functioning urban form that enables us to lead low carbon lives that is the goal of the legislation.

Progress in the Hauraki Gulf

Central government has introduced a number of initiatives to protect and restores fisheries including increasing protections in the Hauraki Gulf. This is a very welcome step. For more details on this plan and the governments vision:

Resource Consents (of interest)

I keep track of resource consent applications for buildings, structures, and tree pruning and removal as they are received by Council, requesting further information, plans and Assessments of Environmental Effects for applications of interest. Significant applications are referred to the relevant residents’ associations for their input which I then relay to planners as part of the Local Board’s input.  I particularly keep a look out for tree removals, helicopter pad requests, digital billboards facing residential buildings, impact on heritage buildings and place and more than minor breaches of the unitary plan.


The Waitemata Local Board recognises the amenity value of trees and has adopted the Ngahere Urban Forest Strategy. Where it is possible to keep trees we advocate for them. Sometimes trees may be removed for the building of transport and energy infrastructure that locks in lower carbon emissions in the future. Where trees are removed our position is that there should be more trees planted than are lost in the same neighbourhood. Good urban design and spatial planning can make a huge difference to the quality of a neighbourhood. Considering new developments through a climate change lens is also necessary. The council has committed to halving emissions by 2030 which should impact decision-making across all departments.


LED Billboards

The board is aware that some constituents are concerned about the increase in LED billboards. There is an internal review ongoing to consider the cumulative effects. In the meanwhile it is helpful to share the current rules which can be found here:


Notwithstanding the limited provision for billboards as a Permitted Activity, these standards

are used by applicants and Council as ‘a guide’ to what would be acceptable for billboards

particularly in respect of traffic, lighting and luminance. For example, a billboard must not

display any image that:

·       resembles or likely to be confused with any traffic sign or signal;

·       contains reflective, fluorescent or phosphorescent materials that will reflect headlights, or distract or interfere with a road user’s vision;

·       uses flashing or revolving lights or lasers or any other method of illumination that will dazzle or distract drivers;

·       uses images that could be mistaken by approaching motorists for a traffic control device by its colour, shape or appearance.

There are also luminance levels to control glare during the day and night.

1.          The matters of discretion for a Restricted Discretionary activity billboard application are set out in E23.8.1.  The Council is restricted in its discretion to the following matters:

(1)   visual amenity

(2)   scale and location

(3)   lighting and traffic and pedestrian safety

(4)   duration of consent

(5)    cumulative effects

There is a sign bylaw review also being done at the moment. The WLB have requested that the council consider what the rules are in other cities (for example Paris) to ensure that we are getting the lumination levels and visual amenity considerations about right.


Restoration of Heritage Buildings

Delighted that the Art Gallery has funding to be restored. We are looking for ways to restore our other highly valued heritage buildings. It is too early to know whether we currently have sufficient funding in the Long Term Plan to restore Leys Institute. We have been advised that it is quite normal for some time to elapse between the long term plan being adopted and the firming up of all projects at a local board level. We shall continue to do what we can to move forward as quickly as possible.

A number of heritage buildings and other buildings can be adapted and reused to create commercial spaces, homes, offices etc. When this is done well, it is very positive. Concerns come when minimum size and outlook standards are breached. It is unacceptable in a city that aspires to be livable that people should be living in spaces of less than 20 square metres with little natural light, if there are external windows at all. Even if there is a significant amount of high quality shared internal and external space that mitigates the lack of space, we would push back at any living quarters that do not have sufficient windows and outlook.

The Karangahape Road Collective

The WLB have written a letter to the Minister of Hon Carmel Seppuloni urging a single agency take responsibility for the Homelessness Action Plan and to advocate for more coordination and funding for mental health, addiction and other support that may be needed by vulnerable communities.


New Applications


26 Remuera Road


The proposal involves the establishment of a billboard on the blank wall on the apartment building at 26 Remuera Road, with an area of 12m x 5m (60m2). While this will not impact on other residents in 26 Remuera Road, I would like to be assured it won’t affect any residents on the other side of the road.


45 Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland    1010


To establish two 1m high x 28m long digital changeable message billboard signs on the existing building. The NZ stock exchange has moved from 21 Queen St to 45 Queen St and they want to take the ticker with them. As the downtown city area is the home for the finance industries, in my view, this is an appropriate place for such information to be shared and tells another story of the city. We have requested however that the luminescence levels stay within permitted standards.


9 Farnham Street, Parnell


Application is for the construction of a new 6 level apartment building for 14 new dwellings with a basement level and associated parking and unit title subdivision. While quality density is to be encouraged, I am very concerned that a large number of the bedrooms in this development do not have windows. “Achieving outlook” for some rooms is not something to boast about, one would expect a window as standard. The building is pushing to the very limit of what is allowed and I am concerned for the mental health of the future residents. We recommend public notification.


54 College Hill Freemans Bay Auckland    1011


Removal of a Pohutukawa street tree. It is not in good health and necessary electrical works underground are likely to damage it further. It is proposed to remove and plant a new tree. We have asked for a second tree to be planted in the adjacent empty tree pit.


26 Queen Street Auckland Central Auckland    1010


Removal of internal non-structural brick partition walls on ground floor and basement and infilling of a hole in the ground floor slab. As the building is heritage scheduled these works require a Resource Consent. As long as the proposal for the shop front is sympathetic to heritage values this is fine. The proposal for changes to the interior seems to be sympathetic and we would not oppose as long as all the mitigating factors, including keeping the bricks, and leaving in place part of the walls as physical memories. This is a hugely valued building and it goes without saying that one would expect all work to be done to a high standard and mitigating all risk to the structure.


313/85 Wakefield Street Auckland Central Auckland    1010


Conversion of an existing non-permanent residential apartment into two non-permanent residential apartments to be retained on a sing le title, resultant units not complying with minimum outlook space and floor area standards. The units will have 1.5m of protected outlook space and will  be 19.5m2 each. Overall consent is required as a restricted discretionary activity.  The following mitigation is proposed. The applicant offers a condition of consent requiring that a covenant be placed on the certificate of title stating that the units may not be used for any accommodation other than non-permanent accommodation. I am concerned about this being the thin end of the wedge with regards both what is deemed an acceptable minimum size of the apartment and the lack of outlook. Even three months in such accommodation does not seem good for wellbeing unless there are excellent light bright shared spaces onsite always available for use. I also want to ask how a covenant to prevent it being used for more than three months can be enforced.


Rates 48-52 Mayoral Drive Auckland Central Auckland    1010


Trenching works will be undertaken within the vegetated area of the Aotea Centre site between the Aotea Centre basement car park wall and the footpath of Mayoral Drive for the City Rail Link. The trench will be approximately 10-12m long, 1.5 m wide and 5m deep. The proposed investigation works will require machinery operations within the protected rootzone of the two notable Tulip trees. The planner has assessed that the proposed excavations are minor in scale and will not significantly impact the root system of the two Notable Trees. The proposed pruning of one of the trees would impact less than 15% of the trees overall canopy and will not threaten its long-term visbility. Council arborists have recommended ways to mitigate adverse effects that have become part of the resource consent conditions.


1 Garnet Road Westmere Auckland    1022


Construction of four storey mixed use building with 6 residential units and 70m2 of commercial retail space on the ground floor. The proposal breaches the 11m maximum height by between 3 and 4.5m. There is a second breach. The outlook spaces for the second bedrooms in units 2-5 will overlap with each other as they are all oriented with their only window in the the proposed lightwell. This is within the rules but it concerns me that there are so many second bedrooms that have no light. I wonder if there would be a market for 83m2 one bed apartments with a home office and more storage instead and so abide by the rules. The street tree will be retained.


186 Victoria Street West AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


Installation and operation of a bike stand for storage and recharging of bicycles with associated signage. Similar stands have been installed near Aotea Centre. They are a way of providing more bike parking without adding to the rates bill however this will mean that there will be a further increase in illuminated billboards on the city streets. We would recommend developing a plan for a network of bike stands in locations that are both convenient and do not detract from the look and amenity of the streetspace. This seems to have happened.


22 Fife Street Westmere Auckland    1022


Applicant seeks a combined land use and subdivision Resource Consent to construct 5 terrace houses and subsequently establish a free hold title for each. My concern is whether this will or will not improve the family friendly nature of the area. A look at the plans is encouraging. A clever move has been a pedestrian path that gives all homes discreet but direct access to the park. These are all three bedroom houses and will hopefully mean more families are able to live in the area.


ROAD Liverpool Street Auckland Central Auckland    1010


Works within protected root zone of trees. The WLB are not supportive of this proposal which involves upgrading electricity cables in trenches in the roads from the hospital, down to Grafton St, up Symonds St and onto Liverpool St via the root area of a good deal of trees, some of which are notable. A direct route would be Grafton Bridge and we want to know whether this route is possible as an alternative. At this point the application is on hold.


13 Marine Parade Herne Bay Auckland    1011



It is proposed to construct a new boatshed and slipway and provide exclusive access to it from the land and to occupy the coastal marine area.   In addition, it is proposed to seek consent for an existing seawall and stairs within the CMA.  We have noted that it is not standard practice to grant exclusive use of the Coastal Marine Area and nor do we welcome setting a precedent here. While the boatshed itself may be private, the ramp is sitting in public space and the public may sit on it, or even tie up a boat. The General Coastal Marine Zone is for everyone to enjoy.


Asked for More information and waiting to hear

48 John Street Ponsonby Auckland    1011


Retrospective consent for HIRB infringement resulting from construction not in accordance with approve plans of LUC60319622.


183 Ponsonby Road Freemans Bay Auckland    1011


Resource consent is required under the Auckland Unitary Plan (Operative in Part) for rules relating to the modification of a scheduled historic place with a scheduled extent of place Category B and additions and alterations to a character defining building.  Overall, resource consent is required as a restricted discretionary activity.


286-292 Ponsonby Road Ponsonby Auckland    1011


Resource consent to demolish, less than 30 percent, of an existing heritage building and for alterations and additions to a heritage  buildings, demolition of existing buildings located on the Ponsonby Road and Pompallier Road corner and construct a new ground plus  4 level building containing retail, food and beverage, offices, commercial services and 16 apartments, 2 levels of basement parking  and all associated works. Concerns have been raised both over heritage issues and safety. Am following up as this will be a large project.


87 Shelly Beach Road Ponsonby Auckland    1011



The construction of a 4 storey apartment with basement and associated earthworks on THAB zoned site.


14 Crescent Road Parnell Auckland    1052


Demolish and remove an existing boatshed within the coastal marine area and construct a replacement boatshed, cable car, tracks and landing platform. Consent is also sought to authorise continued occupation of the coastal marine area by the new structures pursuant  to section 12 (1), (2) and (3). I have asked for more information and waiting to hear.


3 Chamberlain Street Grey Lynn Auckland    1021


Boundary adjustment, of an existing double section with an existing house, to create two separate titles. The new house is a Restricted Discretionary Activity as it is in a Special Character Area

Resource Consent as the two sites are different sizes, one being sma ller than the Permitted Standard. The two with the existing house , the other with a new house, both have site coverage greater than the Permitted Standard.


56 Pollen Street GREY LYNN 1021


The applicant seeks to apply for new signage platforms and amend the design of the approved building.


32 Gladstone Road Parnell Auckland    1052


Additions and alterations to the existing dwelling at 32 Gladstone Road, including infringements to the Single House Zone and Special Character Areas Overlay - Residential Isthmus A.

Jackson Morgan


20 Augustus Terrace Parnell Auckland    1052


Primarily addition of residential accommodation levels to the top of the existing building, building strengthening, ground floor retail conversion.


183 Karangahape Road Auckland Central Auckland    1010


This proposal seeks to re purpose the space into The White Lady takeaway hamburger food and beverage tenancy which is a permitted activity. The space will house a commercial kitchen and server for the preparation of burgers, fries, and toasties. Customers will be served over a mobile counter directly onto the arcade. (Interested because this is a heritage building)


1A/71 Symonds Street AUCKLAND CENTRAL 1010


This proposal is for the conversion of a mixed-use site currently being used as a Commercial  office into two bedroom with en-suit,o ffice,   living, dining and kitchen Residential Accommodation Apartment in level 1

[my interest here is in ensuring that when commercial buildings are refurbished into residential that they are meeting code? There seems to be an increase in them and they sound great as long as they are of a sufficient standard for dwellings.]


Following Up


65 Hamilton Road Herne Bay Auckland    1011


The construction of three residential dwellings and associated earthworks on a residential zoned site. I am interested in how the proposal has changed. I would also still want to advocate for the removal of the villa to be reused elsewhere, or at least the resourcing of the materials. I have requested more information and am waiting to hear.


15 Hamilton Road Herne Bay Auckland    1011


The subdivision of the existing site, creating two lots.  Then the subsequent construction of a new dwelling on the vacant site and additions and alterations to the existing dwelling. Waiting to hear more.


17 Harcourt Street Grey Lynn Auckland    1021


House extension in heritage area. House extension exceeding percentage building coverage. There are reasons for the rules. I have asked for more information and am waiting to hear back.


67 Argyle Street Herne Bay Auckland    1011


Construct a boat shed on the property. I have asked for more information.


78 France Street South Newton Auckland    1010




Resource consent to demolish the existing buildings on site and construct a new 10 level apartment building containing 96 apartments, a 90m2 commercial space (providing for a range of activities including: retail, food and beverage, office activities, or motor vehicle sales), basement parking and all associated site works. I have asked for more information.


16 Shelly Beach Road Ponsonby Auckland    1011



Construction of 15 units and 15 lot subdivision. I have asked for more information.


65-67 Upper Queen Street Newton Auckland    1010


New apartment building and cafe, with ancillary parking, access and signs. I have asked for more information.


Karangahape Road Business Association

Herne Bay Issues

There are a number of ongoing local issues:

The street tree plan has been given to us for plantings over the next few weeks.


There will also be a large number of other trees planted as part of our urban ngahere strategy. Currently the local board has 19% tree coverage but 45% is growing on private land – with increasing pressure for densification there is the risk that we will fall below the council’s goal for 15% urban canopy coverage in every suburb. Waitemata itself has set a goal of 30% tree canopy cover by 2050. Our ambitions are on a par with London, which currently has 21% tree cover which it is hoping to increase by 10% by 2050. At this point we are focusing on Westmere, with new trees to be planted where the dots are:


Other suburbs: Western Springs, Eden Terrace, Parnell, Grey Lynn, Freemans Bay, Newmarket and Grafton, Herne Bay and Ponsonby are also being scoped for potential sites.  

1.      Helicopters. The residents association have asked us to advocate that private helicopter pads be prohibited in residential areas. [We were assured by staff that it would be very unlikely for any new resource consent to be granted. It is unclear whether variations to existing resource consents that might increase flights are as unlikely. If this does seem to be a loophole then taking this advocacy position will be discussed further.] The application for a variation of consent by an existing rightsholder has been put on hold.

Stormwater concerns. A 5% rates rise with an extended targeted rate for water has been approved by the governing body. There has been some concern is that Watercare have contacted elected members to note that some works may slow. Commitments have been made to complete the work by 2028.


Meetings / events attended in June

I attend all of Tuesday’s local board workshops and business meetings unless noted otherwise.

2 June                 Planning Committee Workshop – National Policy Statement of Urban Development

3 June                 June Bike Breakfast – Project Wave Edition

                             Planning Committee – gave feedback on the RLTP

                             Tuku Mauri at the Auckland Museum

4 June                 Meeting with Chloe Swarbrick and electoral staff

                             Opening of Imaginarium at the Auckland Museum

5 June                 Community Gardening with Kaipatiki Project Jessie Tonar Reserve

                             Foraging Workshop, Titirangi

8 June                 Project Wave Drop in Session

10 June               ADHB New Electricity Supply Route meeting

                             Lunch with Jacquelyn Collins to discuss play in the city

11 June               Karangahape Road Enhancement Blessing

                             City Centre to Mangere Light Rail Project briefing

                             Board meeting with Chloe Swarbrick

12 June               Planting Day at Western Springs Lakeside

14 June               Auckland Domain Committee Meeting

                             Heritage Panel

16 June               Planning Committee Workshop – NPS Intensification Policies

17 June               KBA Committee Meeting followed by catch up with KBA manager Michael Richardson

                             Rezoning Ponsonby meeting

18 June               Meet Herne Bay Residents Association

19 June               Attended dawn ceremony at the Matariki Festival

                             Attended “Sorry for your Loss” and “Barrier Ninja”, part of Auckland Live Matariki Festival

20 June               Attended homelessness hui, Karangahape Road

21 June               City Centre in Focus meeting

                             Attended Ponsonby Road – Streets for People – co-design group

22 June               Attended mana whenua zui

                             Attended Autaia at the Aotea Centre

23 June               Attended Community Garden meeting at the City Mission

24 June               Visited Western Springs Forest worksite

                             City Centre Network meeting, with guest Echo

26 June               Planting at Wellpark Reserve

                             Karangahape Road Open Day

28 June               unwell

29 June               unwell  do attend board workshop online

30 June               unwell 

Conferences / member development in June

4 June (and every Friday)             Introduction to Te Reo Maori


I am doing a phD in the Dance Department of the University of Auckland, studying the potential roles of playful arts practices in co-producing the Playful City.  I am a member of Women in Urbanism, and currently the Deputy Presiding Member on the Richmond Road School board. My husband is director of dog walking company Fetch.



I am on Facebook, please do friend me, for regular updates or to raise issues or ask for more information on what is happening in the local area. I have set up a website in which I discuss some of the issues that are crossing our desks and give more information and links on engagement with council. Anyone living in Waitemata is also very welcome to get in touch with me by email


That this report be received.


Alexandra Bonham Deputy Chair August 2021 Report


Alexandra Bonham Deputy Chair June 2021 Board Report